The next generation of high speed trains for UK

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 22/02/2023 09:13

Technical lecture
01 March 2023 17:00 - 19:00
This event has finished

Terry Cahill and Tom Lendhill of Hitachi Rail will provide insights into the challenges associated with maintaining GWR's IEP fleet as well as the design challenge of new high speed passenger trains for the future. We will spend a day in the life of an IEP maintenance engineer; then go on a journey through the various design, testing and acceptance stages that will enable the UK to facilitate the fastest operating speed of any high speed line in Europe.

There will be a Careers Fayre  at 16.00 prior to this technical lecture

Joint event with Women in Rail.

For attendees there will be complementary pizza and drinks after the event.

There is limited car parking available on site, but attendees are recommended to use public transport. Bus U1 has frequent service from Bath Spa Station to the University. The bus arrives at the East End of the University it is then a 5 minute walk through the university to the West End Buildings. 



Terry Cahill, Fleet Manager, Hitachi Rail Tom Lendhill, Head of Fleet Engineering (West),Hitachi Rail


University of Bath Lecture theatre 1.1
Leacture Theatre 1.1, Building 8 (West)
University of Bath
Quarry Road, Claverton Down
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Mick James
United Kingdom
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