Welcome to the South Essex Area

Dear South Essex Area Member,
Welcome to our 2023-2024 session, starting on 20th September 2023 with a fantastic lecture on Smart Manufacturing. After this, if our hosts are happy to talk to us online, we plan to present online various other exciting topics (more details coming soon). Zoom links for the talks will be published shortly before each one. 
Your committee has volunteered, as always, to arrange an informative season of lectures to complement the Automotive Division Essex Centre’s (ADEC) programme. At the end of each one you can raise questions to the speakers using the Zoom chat function. These events are complementary to the Automotive Division Essex Centre’s (ADEC) programme and free to attend for both IMechE members and their guests.
The site http://nearyou.imeche.org/near-you/UK/Eastern/South-Essex-Area will show an overall plan for the year whilst http://nearyou.imeche.org/near-you/UK/Eastern/South-Essex-Area/events will give more details on each event, with the option to add them to your calendar, after reading a synopsis to find out more about each one.
Yours sincerely,
Ahad Ramezanpour, CEng, PhD
South Essex Area, Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Current and Future Events

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