Welcome to the Milton Keynes Railway Division Centre

The Centre has been formed to address the geographical gap in engineering events in the Milton Keynes area. Whilst the Centre is sponsored by the Railway Division, the committee is keen to promote diverse engineering events and lectures for the benefit of residents and workers in the Milton Keynes area.


Welcome to our new programme for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Railway Division Milton Keynes Centre.  Following the successful delivery of nine events in the previous season, it is my pleasure to present to you our exciting programme for 2020-1.

The committee aims to promote engineering as a career, and as an interest, by building links between regional academic institutions, engineering firms and community members. For the 2020-1 calendar we will be running events covering a variety of railway related topics, with an emphasis on new vehicle & infrastructure introduction and emerging technology.

We are always keen to improve and grow our network at the Milton Keynes Centre. We welcome anyone to attend our events, all of which are free. If you are interested in the joining the committee, would like to suggest an event or presentation, or would like to offer feedback, please contact the centre secretary.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Centre events this season.

Tom Scaramuzza
Centre Chairman



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