
Ian Binning CEng MIMechE

The Region regret to report the recent death of Ian Binning CEng MIMechE at the age of 85.

A native of Hull, Ian worked in the merchant navy before moving into the nuclear industry, followed by the oil and gas industry where he worked on the design of the oil pipeline conveying oil from the offshore terminal on Anglesey to the Shell refinery at Stanlow.

As a long serving Chartered engineer, Ian received acknowledgement from the Institution of achieving 50 years of membership some years ago.

Ian was a founder member of the North Wales Area Committee and served as vice chairman for many years. Not a natural committee member, Ian preferred to be taking an active role in promoting engineering to young people. This is something he was extremely active with, in supporting engineering challenges and STEM events throughout the North Wales area.

He designed many of the challenges taken around schools including a working model of a moving stadium roof, a rope winding machine and, probably his favourite, a device to inspect pipelines. He built the prototype before putting kits together to enable school children and students to build them at events which could include up to 200 students.

In recent years Ian supported the International Women in Engineering working with our female members in running challenges to young girls. This year’s event at Glyndwr university was carried out in Ian’s memory.

Ian was an extremely likable, respected, knowledgeable, inspiring and consummate professional who loved our profession and would do all he could to promote engineering to the public at large but more specifically the next generation. He will be sadly missed from our Regional and North Wales Area team.

Our thoughts go out to Anne and the family in their great loss.

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