The Engineering Your Future is an annual event now in our fourth year in Warrington, and in its fifteenth year nationally. Engineering Your Future is a one day event that aims to provide sixth form students with a practical introduction to the different careers in engineering and enable them to see that engineering is a career worth pursuing. Organised by the some of the largest engineering institutions in the UK, working together to present a series of short interactive workshops. The day is split into 5 sessions providing insights into Mechanical, Civil, Electrical/Electronic, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, each of which lasts approximately 40 minutes. Attendees will be split into five groups and each allocated a mentor Engineer for the day. They will learn about the specific areas of engineering from the companies and organisations invited, along with a lunchtime marketplace offering more information on ‘Routes into Engineering’. The sessions are designed to be practical and interactive and provide an insight into life as a Professional Engineer. This year the companies running workshops included: Scott/TYCO, Costain, Hanson Concrete, Atkins Nuclear, and Electricity North West. The lunchtime Market place had 23 companies/universities providing information on routes into engineering. All about STEM provided the liaison with schools and assisted on the day. 13 schools sent 100 students. |