The Midland Region is a progressive and dynamic centre of the Institution - one of the largest in UK with some 8000 members. Our local committees are listed in the panel on the left.
Within the Region, Area committees, Young Member Panels and industry sector Division committees each organise a range of events. Details can be found by following the relevant link.
The Region is represented at the highest body of the Institution, the Council, as well as on the Regional Strategy Board and several other committees and boards, and contributes to working parties seeking improvements and developing new ideas.
Business Development Manager
The Midland Region's Business Development Manager is Farah Baksh, the IMechE’s primary link with industry and academia across the Region. Farah runs workshops and seminars for prospective new members, and for members wishing to upgrade their membership. Details of those arranged by our local Area committees are listed on their Events page. Follow the Business Development Manager link for further details.
Getting Involved
There’s a much publicised and growing shortage of engineers and engineering technicians in the UK. The Region’s committee sees the need to inspire young people with engineering, to inform them of the work undertaken by professional engineers and engineering technicians, and to encourage them strongly to consider engineering as a career, as a priority.
To this end we work with the Imagineering Foundation and StemNet, as well as local schools in our Areas. We’re looking to further this involvement with schools to make not only pupils but teachers and parents more aware of the roles of professional engineers and engineering technicians and engineering as a career. If you’d like to be involved in this initiative, or any other of your local Area or Division committee or Young Member Panel activities, then please contact me, or the appropriate committee/panel via their Contact Us details.
If you’re interested in mentoring or sponsoring prospective new members then please contact me or your local Chair. New ideas are welcome.
Contact Us
You can contact Region committee officers via the link on the left of this page. We’re always interested to hear your views on events or initiatives you believe we should organise/promote. Also, if you’d like further information on the function of the IMechE, advantages of membership, or how to gain membership, then please contact us.
Kevin Blacktop
Chair, IMechE Midland Region
To contact Kevin or other members of the committee, please use the 'Send a message' facility on our Contact Us page; thanks
Additional facilities in Birmingham for IMechE Members
Members may use the IET members' areas at Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP.
Members' areas will be open from 9am till 5pm, excluding weekends and bank holidays. Bookings should be made at least one day in advance. Terms & Conditions apply.
For bookings at IET Birmingham: Austin Court please contact
Jackie Scriven, email, phone 0121 600 7500