Welcome to the Birmingham Young Member Panel

What is the Birmingham Young Member Panel?

The IMechE is the national focus for all Mechanical Engineers, providing a vast range of services to its members and helping to promote the profession.  The Birmingham Young Member Panel exists to provide a forum for all engineers in the area to meet and construct your own network of contacts from all fields of expertise.  Run by Young Members for Young Members, our aim is to provide a full programme of both social and technical events, that meets the needs of all our members.

What is a Young Member?

You may be classed as a Young Member if you are an affiliate or associate member of the IMechE or if you have been a registered Member (CEng, IEng, EngTech) for less than 10 years.  However, we will not exclude anyone that falls outside of those categories, even if you are not a member of the IMechE!

Why would you want to get involved?

For a few hours of your time a month you can develop personally and professionally whilst contributing to a very worthwhile and rewarding activity.

  • Meet industry professionals
  • Learn from other young engineers
  • Locally and nationally influence the direction of your professional body
  • Improve your career prospects

If you would like to receive email notification of local events and meeting dates, visit our contacts page and get in touch.

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© 2023 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882