We meet around every 6-8 weeks from January to September, with other meetings scheduled as necessary to the end of the IMechE year. The meeting venue is moved to suit committee members, and the details advertised on NearYou to allow anyone interested to join us. If you know of a "central" venue that could suit all, please do suggest it via the
Event Suggestions page. Our meetings are friendly and relaxed, and we always welcome new faces - so come along and join us!
Typically, we chat about recent engineering news and plan our forthcoming events diary.
Our meetings are a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from a wide range of local businesses, and perhaps even to solve that problem you've been working on!
Interested? Feel free to
get in touch beforehand, or just turn up at our next meeting.
Committee Meetings
18:30 - 20:00
Meeting venue TBC for each meeting. The location will be confirmed by email and on the NearYou page prior to meetings.