About Us

The Area Committee represents the interests of all Institution members in Warwickshire.

We would like to to expand our activities and we'd like you to help us by getting involved.

The Committee exists to support the professional development of local engineers at all levels and to promote the benefits and achievements of our profession.

We organise a balanced programme of events to meet the strategic objectives of the Region and the Institution.  The majority of these events can contribute to your professional development and they include:

  • Technical lectures / presentations
  • Site visits / tours
  • Networking events
  • Mentoring
  • Training courses
  • STEM education / outreach events
  • Social activities

If you have an idea for an event, we would love to hear it, and if you would like to volunteer to help run it, even better - we will support you all the way!

© 2023 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882