Process Industries Division North West Centre
The North West Centre should act as the focal point between the members and others in the process industries and associated technologies, and the Process Industries Division Board of the Institution.
Objectives of the North West Centre Committee
- To encourage the greater participation of members and others in the local and national activities of the institution.
- To give feedback to the Process Industries Division board about the needs and preferences of members and others in order to inform and influence the policies and decisions of the Board.
- To provide opportunities for CPD.
- To build relationships with other organisations' that have members with a professional interest in the process industries.
The North West Centre Committee aims to achieve these objectives:
- By creating an environment in which engineering knowledge and experience can be shared between engineers and others.
- By arranging in the NW, a programme each year of presentations, meetings, visits and seminars about topics of relevance or interest.
Registered members have the following benefits:
- To received emailed details of each North West Centre event.
- To comment on the planning of future events through email and attendance at events.
- To circulate technical queries and professional queries to other members in the region through the NW centre membership
- To access via the Institutions "nearyou" web site details of future and past events; reviews of past events; and contact details.
The North West Centre Chairman is Mr Noel Hensman
Please contact the Chairman or any committee member if you would like further information or would like to become involved in any activities or join our committee.
Martin Hooley - Vice Chair
John Bartlett - Secretary
Pamela Robinson - Treasurer
Forthcoming Activities
If you would like to be included on the North West Centre mailing list and hear about the Centre's programme please contact us at
Event Type: Talk or debate
11 September 2024 12:00 to 13:00
Online Webinar
Heating dominates energy use in the food and drink sector. Much of this is currently from gas, so to decarbonise it requires a switch to renewable sources. Renewable electricity will be in demand for other applications (EV charging, refrigeration etc) so the use of renewable solid fuels is a sector that needs to increase. This webinar will take a brief look at the application areas, the available fuels in term so both waste and energy crops, and the challenges with handling and using them.
Industry: Process Industries
Event Type: Talk or debate
19 September 2024 12:00 to 13:00
Online Webinar
Sustainability and Net-Zero targets are a primary focus for industrial end users, influencing the design selections and ongoing operations of many factories. In this webinar, Grundfos will inform participants about the latest technologies in pump systems. You will learn about significantly reducing factory energy consumption, design considerations in creating efficient pumping systems and the selection tools available to enable you to achieve net zero targets.
Industry: Process Industries
Event Type: Talk or debate
23 October 2024 12:00 to 13:00
Online Webinar
There is a clear ‘paradox’ witnessed within UK process industries. If COMAH sites are highly regulated, if industry standards and guidelines are readily available for mechanical joint integrity and If people are attending recognised competency based training courses, why do we see so many non-conformances and defects to bolted joint assemblies. This webinar will share statistics, data and photographic evidence and will look into the issues raised and the ‘route to competence’.
Industry: Process Industries