Visit to the Robotics for Extreme Environments Laboratory   Fully Booked

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 01/07/2019 23:44

Technical visit
22 July 2019 10:00 - 12:00
This event has finished

The Robotics for Extreme Environments Laboratory (REEL) is a sister site to the Dalton Cumbrian Facility (Westlakes Science and Technology Site) in Cleator Moor, Cumbria. We host approximately 8 full time researchers (PhD student and postdoctoral research associates) who work on a range of projects including: mobile ground robots for exploration or routine inspection, water vehicles for inspection and maintenance, characterisation methods (LIBS) as well as path planning and map generation. We have a number of demonstrator facilities which we use to benchmark our robotics technologies against- including a mock fuel pool (water tank), a reconfigurable arena to test mobile platforms and a pipe crawler test rig. We aim to show demonstrations of some of our higher TRL platforms on the day including the MALLARD, CARMA and CARMA EDD robots (please see:,, for further info).


Robotics for Extreme Environments Laboratory
Unit 8 Leconfield Industrial Estate
Cleator Moor
CA25 5QB
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Simon Walsh

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Alternative contact James McNally

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