Event Type: Professional development event
02 May 2018 11:00 to 14:00
Westlakes - Cumbria
An opportunity to discuss any issues you are having with Professional Registration with the Business Development Manager for the North West Region. Sessions will last 15 minutes and exact times will be allocated when the ticket is booked.
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
12 April 2018 18:30 to 20:00
The Vagabond - Whitehaven
Interested in getting involved with the IMechE Young Members in West Cumbria? Join us for our monthly meeting and learn about the exciting plans the committee are making for the year ahead.
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Technical lecture
15 March 2018 19:00 to 20:00
Lakes College West Cumbria - Cumbria
A talk about how environmental data is used by the Environment Agency across the flood risk management business; from recording of real life data to the development of hydraulic models which informs the design and construction of flood alleviation schemes. This data is the backbone that supports and justifies the work of the Environment Agency's flood risk management function.
Industry: Research & development
Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
08 March 2018 18:30 to 20:00
The Vagabond - Whitehaven
Interested in getting involved with the IMechE Young Members in West Cumbria? Join us for our monthly meeting and learn about the exciting plans the committee are making for the year ahead.
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
08 February 2018 18:30 to 20:00
The Vagabond - Whitehaven
Interested in getting involved with the IMechE Young Members in West Cumbria? Join us for our monthly meeting and learn about the exciting plans the committee are making for the year ahead.
Industry: Cross-sector