A Brief History of Fuel Production at Springfields

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 16/10/2020 17:19

Technical lecture
28 October 2020 18:30 - 20:00
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Springfields has been at the heart of the UK nuclear industry for over 75 years. The first site in the world to produce fuel for a commercial nuclear power station, the site today employs more than 800 highly skilled workers. The presentation, delivered by Paul Stirzaker, will include more on the history of manufacturing at Springfields, beyond those earliest years of the site. The presentation will also look at the earliest days with; when did the nuclear age begin? What is nuclear energy? And then to look deeper into the story of Springfields commencing from the 1960's. With more about the manufacture and the development of the metal and oxide-based fuels. And to conclude; something ont he potential fuel of the nuclear future.

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Presenter Paul Stirzaker is the manager of the Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) fuel design team who’s been working in the nuclear industry for over 35 years.


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