An Introduction to DriveWorks

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 03/11/2020 19:33

Technical lecture
04 November 2020 12:00 - 13:00
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Spend an hour with the DriveWorks team and become acquainted with the leading design automation company.

DriveWorks Ltd design and develop design automation and sales configurator software for engineers, being the chosen design automation tool for SOLIDWORKS. The team is made up of enthusiastic developers, creatives, marketers, and engineers, with our business naturally splitting into 4 main business areas: Software Development, Operations, Sales and Marketing and Technical Support. We are based in Thelwall, Warrington and distribute our software globally via the SOLIDWORKS reseller channel.



Bridie Mills – Community and Business Development “At DriveWorks my role involves working with our education programme to promote digital careers amongst students. This involves hosting DriveWorksXpress Training days at universities around the country.” Oliver Basma-Lord – Technical Specialist


Hosted on Workcast
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Kathryn Barker
United Kingdom
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