Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
21 August 2019 18:30 to 19:30
Committee Room No. 9 - Glasgow
The next monthly meeting of the IMechE Glasgow Young Members Panel will be held on Wednesday the 21st of August in Committee Rooms No.9 at 18:30. All members are welcome.
Industry: Other Industries / Sectors
Event Type: Official visit
24 July 2019 18:15 to 19:30
Wellpark Brewery - Glasgow
Come along and join the IMechE Glasgow Young Members as they undertake a tour of Glasgow’s famous Wellpark Brewery! This will be a fantastic opportunity to come along and meet other members in a relaxed environment whilst enjoying the tour for free!
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Competition event
29 May 2019 18:30 to 20:00
Livingston Tower Room 412 - Glasgow
Non-technical lecture competition with 4 speakers giving a 20 minute presentation on a topic of their choosing in a bid to win a £300 cash prize!
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
20 May 2019 18:30 to 20:00
Committee Room No. 9 - Glasgow
The next monthly meeting of the IMechE Glasgow Young Members Panel will be held on Monday the 20th of May in the committee rooms no.9 at 18:30.
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM
04 April 2019 18:30 to 20:00
Livingston Tower - Glasgow
The Glasgow Young Members Panel will host their AGM on Thursday the 5th of April at The University of Strathclyde.
Industry: Other Industries / Sectors