The IMechE can provide an excellent way to market your business – and it is free! Presenting lectures for the IMechE can help your business in the following ways:
Graduate recruitment
Many of the lectures that are organised around the country are held in Universities or similar educational establishments. The students from these places will be looking for jobs and you want the best ones to apply for jobs at your company. You may only select a few graduates each year for employment, but surely you would like to be choosing from the best?
Consultancy work
Many qualified engineers attend the lectures who already work for engineering companies around the country. Maybe they have experienced problems similar to the ones you describe in your lecture and perhaps your company might be able to help them overcome these problems?
Automotive engineering and motorsport is a very image conscious business. Presenting an IMechE lecture shows that your company has a professional attitude to its business and to its staff development. Lectures are advertised widely and making a connection between your company name and the IMechE can only be good for your company’s image.
Most professional Motorsport companies rely directly on sponsorship to fund their existence. Showing the world what has been achieved by your company can provide useful exposure for your sponsors and, who knows, maybe your next key sponsor is sitting in the audience?