Prizes and Awards

Gresham Cooke Prize: Established in 1964 by the late Roger Gresham Cooke CBE MP. The award is to be made by the Automobile Division Board, after consultation with the Director of the Motor Industry Research Council, to the author of a paper on any aspect of design, research development or production related to British motor vehicles or any of their components.

Clifford S Steadman Prize: Established in 1974 by Lieutenant Commander M S Steadman RN in memory of his late father Clifford S Steadman FIMechE, who had been engaged in the design and production of automatic transmissions, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning of British motor cars. This prize is to be awarded by the Automobile Division Board to the author(s) of the best paper or invited lecture on any of these subjects.

Viscount Weir Prizes: Awarded for technical contributions submitted by Young Members under the age of 31, and read before a local meeting of the Institution. The meeting is to be arranged and held by Automobile Division Centres, of which the competitors are members.

Crompton Lanchester Medal: A Bronze Medal awarded by the Board of the Automobile Division for the best paper or for outstanding service considered to have special influence on the advancement of automobile engineering. This is the premier Automobile Division award.

Adrian Reynard Motorsports Prize: - OPEN TO MEMBERS, INCL. AFFILIATE, ASSOCIATE AND ENGTECH. A prize of £500 will be awarded to an individual or individuals, working in any area of Motorsports, who have demonstrated outstanding technical achievement, delivered a notable lecture, presentation or published article, or made a significant contribution, including service to the Institution. Nominations to be made by individual Centre Chairmen or other individuals or organisations connected to the IMechE. Prize will be presented by Adrian Reynard personally, at an appropriate Motorsports event. 

Engineering Applied to Agriculture Award: Founded in 1940 by the late Mr P F Fanghanel in memory of his son Paul Fanghanel. This award is to be made to a paper, lecture or research on a subject associated with mechanical engineering applied to agriculture.

Starley Premium Award: Established in 1914 to commemorate the work of the late John Kemp Starley. The subject matter covers the design or improvement in details of mechanically propelled road vehicles of all descriptions. The award may be made for a paper, or for a contribution or achievement in that field.

Spencer Wilks Trust: Established in 1973 to commemorate the life and work of the late Mr Spencer Bernau Wilks, President of the Rover Company. The Scholarship is awarded to promote, advance, assist or encourage the study of, and technical education and training in, research and development in the engineering aspects of automobile engineering and related subjects. The Scholarships may be travelling scholarships and payments may cover fees, maintenance allowance and travel costs. Applicants must be members of IMechE and be affiliated with the Automobile Division. Applicants must also attend a European course.

Ford WISE Prize: sponsored by Ford and WISE, and supported by the IET and IMechE. This award is intended to celebrate achievements made by female engineering undergraduates in their penultimate year. It is hoped this recognition will help bring a higher proportion of women onto accredited degree courses and ultimately employed within the profession.

There are two prize categories, awarded to:

  • Students studying to become a Chartered Engineer
  • Students training to become an Incorporated Engineer

The presentation will be made for not only academic excellence but also the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the Engineering Industry. The Automobile Division of the IMechE have fully endorsed the initiative and wish to encourage support of the event. The application form can be downloaded from the Ford WISE Prize website.


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