Michael Gornall CEng MIET FIMechE - Chair
Mike is a Chartered Engineer and has been a member of the IMechE for over 30 years and is now a Fellow. He is also a member of the IET, FEANI registered as Eur Eng and a member of Lincoln’s Inn. He was a technician apprentice at British Aerospace in Preston, Lancashire. He did a degree in Engineering at Manchester Polytechnic (now Manchester Metropolitan) and joined the graduate training scheme at AWE Aldermaston. He has since worked in the water industry, on car production infrastructure, on defence projects, in civil nuclear, on light rail systems, oil & gas and other infrastructure projects. He now works for Babcock in Devonport dockyard as a Design Manager. As Chair for the Devon and Cornwall branch, he is responsible for the operations of the local committee. In his spare time Mike practices Judo at which he is a black belt, he enjoys cycling, skiing, sailing and is a Scout leader.
Contact Michael at Michael.Gornall@member.imeche.org