Life in a Nuclear Submarine   Fully Booked

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 15/09/2015 11:17

16 September 2015 17:30 - 19:30
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Nuclear submarines have the qualities of stealth, endurance and flexibility that afford them an unparalleled freedom to operate worldwide and “Life in a Nuclear Submarine” is a not too-serious view of what life is like for the ship’s company in some of the UK’s most powerful weapons. A brief history of the nuclear submarine flotilla is followed by a look at the challenges of life in a 30ft diameter steel tube with one or two illuminating anecdotes.

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Cliff joined the Royal Navy as an Artificer Apprentice and rose to the rank of Commander. His career lasted 32 years of which 24 were in nuclear submarines. He served in every engineering position of a nuclear submarine.


Cranfield University (Shrivenham)
Defence Academy
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom
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