Visit to the Marine Robotics Innovation Centre, Southampton
Technical visit
11 January 2017 10:30 - 14:30
This event has finished
As part of the Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) ‘Eight Great Technologies’ initiative, the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has invested over £3m in the development of the Marine Robotics Innovation Centre. The Centre provides a collaborative space, linked to specialist engineering and test facilities to enhance cooperation between academia and SMEs for the advancement of autonomous technologies and business growth, including:
Long Endurance Marine Unmanned Surface Vehicles
Autonomous Adaptive Ocean Sensing Networks
Autosub Battery Technology
We have arranged to hire a coach from the Immanuel United Reformed Church, Upham Road, Swindon. SN3 1DH. Leaving at 09.00 and returning around 16.00. Parking will be free. Parking at NOC is limited, so we would encourage you to join us on the coach.
National Oceanography Centre
Waterfront Campus
European Way
SO14 3ZH
United Kingdom