Past Events

Please click the event heading for further information.
  • Event Type: Technical Lecture
    19 April 2012 18:30 to 20:30
    Marsh Farm Hotel - Swindon - Swindon
    LECTURE “One planet; too many people?” by Dr. Tim Fox
    Industry: Renewable energy
  • Event Type: Technical Visit
    21 March 2012 18:30 to 20:00
    Cranfield University (Shrivenham)
    The Defence Academy ( is the UK's Defence higher education establishment, responsible for post-graduate education for members of the UK Armed Forces and MOD Civil Servants. Cranfield University ( is the academic partner at the Defence Academy in the fields of science, engineering, technology and management. The Defence Capability Centre is an exceptional facility that brings real military hardware such as armoured vehicles together with synth
    Industry: Defence
  • Event Type: Committee Meeting
    09 January 2012 18:00 to 20:00
    Strategic Maintenance Planning Ltd. - Swindon
    Industry: Cross-sector
  • Event Type: Technical Lecture
    08 November 2011 18:30 to 20:30
    There now exist complex chemical hydrides that store hydrogen with hydrogen concentrations that are well above 10 wt%. However, these materials have slow desorption kinetics and many release other chemicals such as ammonia or borazine which would poison a fuel cell. Many are also difficult to handle in that they degrade rapidly in air. These issues can be solved using nanotechnology. The coaxial electrospinning process is simple and industrially scalable. This technology can produce a relativel
    Industry: Renewable energy
  • Event Type: Technical Visit
    21 September 2011 13:00 to 16:00
    Rutherford Laboratory - Shrivenham
    The Forensic group has recently had £1M investment into new analytical equipment, this tour will provide a flavour of the capabilities within the group.
    Industry: Research & development
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