Welcome to Iran

Mechanical Engineering in Iran 

Every year almost 10000 mechanical engineers graduate from Iranian higher education institutions.
All the mechanical engineering subdisciplines, from solid mechanics to robotics and mechatronics, are instructed in higher-ranking technological universities, including those mentioned in the table.  You may find more information on their websites.

QS ranking  University Name  Website Address  
 Sharif University of Tech.  www.en.sharif.edu
 Amir Kabir University of Tech.  www.aut.ac.ir
 University of Tehran   www.ut.ac.ir
 Iran University of Science and Tech.    www.iust.ac.ir
  Isfahan University of Tech.    www.iut.ac.ir
 Shiraz University     www.shirazu.ac.ir
 451-500   K.N. Toosi University of Tech.    www.kntu.ac.ir

National Societies

Two national societies are founded as the leading mechanical engineers' community to encourage and support their work and academic findings.  
First is the ISME (https://www.isme.ir/) addressing mechanical engineers, in general, no matter what their discipline is, and second is ISBME (https://isbme.org/) addressing the biomedical engineering graduates.
Both societies hold annual conferences and invite national and international mechanical engineers to present and share their latest findings. 
Check their website for more information. 

Mechanical Engineering Industries 

Besides great academic efforts, developed industrial centres are working specifically on petrochemical, petroleum and drilling, automotive, and ironwork industries.

IMechE Iran

During the past ten years, Dr Ahmed Arshi has made great efforts to engage young members (YM) and affiliate members in IMechE's voluntary activities.

Several student contests have been held to trigger their creativity and problem-solving skill under his supervision. 
We are proud to present ourselves as the anchor of mechanical engineering research in the IMechE West and Central Asia Panel.  



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