Mechanical Services Tour

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 12/09/2018 16:53

Technical visit
19 September 2018 14:00 - 16:00
This event has finished

The Mechanical Services event is a campus tour that highlights the multiple mechanical processes that occurs on the campus as well the function and synergy of various systems such as: 

- HVAC (AHU room, chilled water pump, heat exchanger room, and roof).
- Basement Ventilation 
- Jet Fans 
- Fire Fighting & Pump Room 
- Water Supply 
- Drainage (basement) and Irrigation.

This event is open for all Mechanical Engineering Students from Year 1 - 4, who are interested in learning more about the above mentioned systems, and are planning to work on the systems for their projects or to aid in the following semester.

Timing - 2:00-4:00 PM
Location - Heriot-Watt Mechanical Laboratory


The host of this event is Mr. Mohamed Al-Musleh, a creative mind and figure speaker on all things relating to the Automotive, Electro-Mechanical and Renewable Energy Industries. Mr.Mohamed will be joined by members of the Student Chapter - Conrad Monteiro (Chair) and other volunteers.


Heriot-Watt University - Dubai Campus
Dubai International Academic City
United Arab Emirates

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