Welcome to the Hong Kong Mentorship Scheme

Derek Louie IEng FIMechEThe Hong Kong Mentorship Scheme is designed to provide a tailored membership approach for employees at organisations where an accredited monitored professional development scheme (MPDS) is not in place. It provides a disciplined and regular reporting framework that is aligned to the five EngC UK-SPEC competence areas.

The Institution is delighted that you have decided to pursue professional registration, or the mentoring of developing engineers on its behalf.

For either existing Members of the Institution at Chartered (CEng), Incorporated (IEng) or Engineering Technician (EngTech) level, or for those engineers with significant levels of experience, you will need to register as a mentor and fill in the reply form with your details so we can find you a mentee.

If you are a developing engineer and would like to be linked with a mentor who can guide you through your career development, please follow these three steps.

1) Register as an Associate member of the Institution online

You will be allocated a membership number which you will need to use to fulfill step two.

2) Email imechehk@imeche.org using the subject heading “Mentor request” in order to request a mentor. Please include your membership number in the email.

You will be allocated a mentor, and can move to step three.

3) Register as a developing engineer on the Hong Kong Mentorship Scheme online.

Frequently asked questions


How do I get allocated a developing engineer to mentor?

You can register for the scheme without a specific developing engineer having been allocated to you. By this method you will be entered into a pool of available mentors for the Hong Kong Mentorship Scheme. At a later stage you will be contacted by the Hong Kong office to inform you when a developing engineer is allocated to you.

Developing Engineers:

How do I get allocated a mentor?

If you are a developing engineer you will need to name your mentor when you join the scheme. You will need to contact Jenny Chan at jenny.chan@imeche.org  to request a mentor before you join the scheme using the registration form.

Professional Development Mentorship Guidelines

Hong Kong Mentorship Scheme Toolkit

© 2023 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882