Lunchtime Technical Lecture - Joint Event Networking with Aurecon

      Add to your calendar Last updated - 02/07/2024 09:14

Technical lecture
01 August 2024 11:45 - 13:15
This event has finished


The World is slowly charting its way to Carbon Net Zero and Singapore is making its contribution as a part of the Global Community.


In 2022, 82% of global energy was produced by the burning of fossil fuels  increasing the CO2 in our atmosphere even further.  The Energy Transition is our attempt to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and use other, less damaging, sources of energy.  But how much energy do we really need?  And how much damaging CO2 do we actually generate in our daily lives?


Can we meet the Decarbonisation Targets the Global Community has set itself and if not, what are the alternatives?  What does the arithmetic tell us?


What are our transport alternatives?  Do EV's make sense?  What does the arithmetic tell us?


Come and join this lunchtime lecture and networking discussion to learn more as well as give your viewpoint.

NB - Places are limited to 10 IMechE members - please book early to secure your spot.


Lunch is provided for those who register.  Please ensure you register using the link below.  (Should you need to cancel at last minute please inform the organiser at least 2 days ahead - thank you)

PDU Points being applied for.

Please book through the link Here


Andy Bell CEng FIMechE, MEI, Chartered Energy Engineer Chartered Energy Manager


Aurecon Singapore (Pte) Ltd., #16-00, Gateway East, 152 Beach Rd, Singapore 189721
#16-00, Gateway East
152 Beach Rd

Contact Details

Andy Bell
Email: Send a message

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