Event Type: Professional development event
20 October 2023 14:00 to 17:00
Online, Microsoft TEAMS
This session will give you an opportunity to book a time slot and discuss membership options with the IMechE Membership Development Manager. Open to all engineers and technicians
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Professional development event
20 October 2023 11:00 to 12:00
Online, Microsoft TEAMS
This webinar will be conducted in GMT +8 time zone (Malaysia Time) This webinar will be presented using Microsoft TEAMS. In this session you will get tips and guidance in preparing the Chartered Engineer (CENG) application form
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Technical lecture
12 October 2023 18:30 to 22:00
Singapore Polytechnic Graduates‘ Guild - Singapore
IMechE Singapore Branch is delighted to Co-Host a Technical Talk with IET on EV Battery Packs Technology. This will be preceded by a presentation by Republic Poly Student Chapter on their recent activities. A light dinner is provided to allow networking with IET colleagues and engineers from other professional institutions.
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Official visit
12 October 2023 00:00 to 13 October 2023 00:00
SMX Convention Centre, Pasay City
IMechE will be one of the featured key note speaker during the PSME National Conference at SMX Convention Centre from 12 - 13 October 2023. Get an opportunity to meet with IMechE representatives during the conference
Industry: Cross-sector
Event Type: Technical lecture
02 October 2023 18:30 to 22:00
Hotel Mirimar
IET is holding the event below which IMechE is pleased to support.
"Intelligent and Eco-Efficient Switchgear: What's the Technology?'
More info in the flyer
To book contact :- Tan Teck Lee Teck.Tan@ietvolunteer.org
Industry: Power Industries